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Following years of meticulous research and development, leading in terminals and info kiosks, Artuga has amassed extensive experience in manufacturing methodologies, quality assurance, and cultivating a workforce adept at delivering unparalleled hardware solutions to everyday users and enterprise proprietors.

Today, Artuga proudly presents an extensive, diversified portfolio of digital terminals and info kiosks, offering engaging and accessible solutions that are simple to use and can be seamlessly integrated into any business ecosystem. Our products perfectly fit information points, restaurants, pubs, shopping malls, and betting shops.

Our proficiency is exceptionally showcased in the following:
- Crafting information kiosks designed for public use.
- Developing empty housings.
- Produce fully equipped and loaded terminals with high-end and customizable components.

We take immense pride in being a one-stop solution for all terminal-related needs, encompassing hardware, housings, and cabinets.

Moreover, we acquire various types of used housings and subassemblies from our clients, providing them with feasible alternatives for their existing machines or terminals.

Our team is meticulously trained to engage our clients throughout every phase of the developmental journey, delivering a production experience that is flexible, customizable, and user-friendly. Our extensive inventory and superior production capabilities ensure quick shipping and prompt deliveries.

Enhancing our commitment to community service, we do not impose any specific minimum order quantity, fostering collaborations with small businesses by offering products tailored to accommodate their financial constraints and resource availabilities.

At Artuga, you can discover the functional, high-end terminals and info kiosk solutions that align with your unique requirements, steering clear from generic products and gaming solutions that fail to resonate with your consumer base.

“Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.”  

Henry Ford

Modern Office
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